Wednesday, January 6

Time Marches On

 Regardless of the mobility and other restrictions, the time does seem to fly. When I was young, an older lady told me that time goes much faster the older you get and I have lived long enough to know she was spot on! This same smart lady also told me that if you are going to do something new and adventurous you most likely will not do it if you are over 65. Mary Nebola is no longer with us but I always enjoyed her company. Mary was a "Winter Texan" and drove to the RGV by herself each fall. She said she tried to travel with others but could never find someone who was on the same schedule as she was. And once you do the trip alone the next time is not so intimidating. My friend Colleen told me that after the passing of her husband she was a bit afraid of going alone but then decided to take it one town at a time, and once you reached the town you would venture on to the next one and soon you had arrived at your destination.

But I digress...We arrived here early in November and now we are in a whole different year! 

Our weather has been moderate this season. It is very, very dry. I have had trouble gathering enough rainwater to water the two plants I brought with me from Iowa. They occasionally have to get a drink from the Alamo Texas water plant. They say it tastes funny.

Our life here pretty much revolves around the pool hall, the grocery store, and playing cribbage, dirty board, or FastTrack with our in-park friends. Yes, I would very much like to see our friends outside the park but there is no covid within the park and we feel safe as long as we stay vigilant. We have registered for the vaccine and hope to get an email soon that they are ready to inject us. We hope to have both doses of the vaccine before returning to Iowa in April.  

There is one of the women who I play pool with who has received the first dose of vaccine. She has asthma and was recently hospitalized with an attack of it. The hospital called her and told her she was eligible to get the vaccine if she came right away and so she did. Both she and her husband got their first one. I asked her if she reacted at all to it and she said her arm was quite sore but no worse than a flu shot and she had a bit of a fever the next day but it didn't last long. Her husband had no reaction at all.

So it is time to get on with my day. Till next time...

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