Tuesday, August 11

News on Derecho

 A derecho that hit a wide swath through the midwest hit us. I am using my Google Fi Internet to write this entry and it will be brief.  We do not have electricity yet because the line from the pole to the house is broken. Hard to tell when we will get it back. The town of Jefferson has it but we don't.

We are currently using the generator on the moho to run our refrigerator and I made coffee in the moho this morning, It would be so helpful to know how long this will last but that is not to be. I have taken pictures and will see if I can get them posted. A tree branch came down and pierced a hole in the moho roof. And one of the skylights (kitchen) was annihilated. And another branch came down and took out one of our windows in the new room. We were not home at the time, We went to Mickey's when the siren went off. We are fine. Lots of cleanup in progress. Leo and Keri have been helping us. Also one of the guys on our construction crew was instrumental in getting the big log off the top of the motorhome without instilling more damage.


Pictures will be available when I can figure out the transfer from phone to Blog. Things just are not working in the usual manner.

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