Saturday, January 26

Wind, Rain and Whatnot

We have had a period of time and several days where the wind blew "like sixty" as my Grandma Brock used to say back in the day when sixty was fast. Today the weather guys are saying we are in for heavy rain. Ya think? It has been my experience this season that predicting rain is like predicting the actions of a two-year-old. It may happen in a sprinkling or it may not happen at all with the latter being the usual. This morning certainly looks like it could rain but that is not a good indicator either.

The whatnot is the fact that the RGV is in their busiest season. The park is full or as full as it is likely to get this season. If the up-north folks are not here by now they probably are not going to come. The last tally by management that I saw said we had 607 people in the park. That is double the amount of people who live in Cumberland Iowa where we lived for twenty years. So I doubt that I learn everyone's name in a few months.
The strain on the Internet is particularly apparent now. When you take into account that Butch and I own 5 internet capable devices and multiply that by 607 or even 303 it is not hard to see why it is dysfunctional. Don't get me wrong, we do not have all of our devices connected at the same time, Not even close. I must admit that it is difficult to remember to disconnect when I get up and walk away from my computer. It is easier now when I am trying to do the simplest action and find myself stymied. I woke up this morning at 5:00AM and briefly thought about getting up and on the computer, thinking I could beat the crowd. As I am working on this blog entry I can almost guarantee I will have to wait for a hole in the cloud before I can get it posted. Having bad weather magnifies the situation. That is the bad news. The good news is that a good number of these people will start leaving at the end of February and first of March. That always amazes me as well. It is as though they forget that it is a long way from Spring in the North country. Oh well, that makes it decidedly better for those of us with better weather memories.

Another Whatnot. Butch and I went for a walk yesterday and we encountered Pierre. They certainly look happy, don't you think?

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