Tuesday, January 1

Happy New Year!

Well, it is here! We did not have celebratory plans for New Year's Eve but then John got sick so he and Carol stayed home and we took their spot at the table in the main hall with Liz and Dave. We had a good time and added a few stories to our repertoire. For instance, we did not know the couple next to us. When we arrived at the hall they were standing outside smoking a cigar. He was standing outside smoking a cigar, she was with him. We did not know it then but they turned out to be our tablemates. Every 10 to 15 minutes they would get up, put on their coats and go outside. For what purpose we spent the entire evening trying to figure out. We thought they were probably smoking but the frequency seemed excessive by any standards. They did not dance to my recollection. They did not seem to have a friend connection. They were the mystery of the night.

Butch toured around the place and discovered that Kenton and Polly from Magnolia Park were there. We stopped by their table for a short chat and while we were dancing I spotted Phyllis of George and Phyllis, new residents of Rio Valley Estates, dancing a line dance so later we stopped by their table for a short chat as well.

Another event was a man going down on the dance floor with heart issues. I can say that because they asked if anyone had some nitro. This park has several first responders and they were taking care of things and the music and dancing were on hold. The first responder's phone number is on a sticker placed on the back of our badges. In a park full of "seniors" it is comforting to know a plan is in place if medical attention is needed quickly. The man left the hall on a stretcher in the care of EMT's.

While we were waiting for that to be taken care of some monkey business did take place.

Lynn and Moe were celebrating too and we got a picture of them with Liz and Dave.

The park is filling up and the fantastic free internet connection is not so great right now. I must test and experiment to find a time to make it work. It is doable but takes longer.
We did not stay in the hall to bring in the new year. I listened to the war-like sound of the fireworks from my bed as the clock struck 12. Butch watched the fireworks from the darkened location of our living room.

The new year is commencing and what it holds for us we can never be sure. Each day is a new adventure.

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