Sunday, September 30

An Adventure with Karla

Our boy Devon had a busy weekend as he is racking up his first memories of high school. Friday was Homecoming parade and dance. Butch and I went to Ogden for lunch and the parade.
This is a very busy picture of people waiting for the parade.

Lunch at the Lucky Pig, a well known and perhaps the only eating place in Ogden.
 Devon looks tired and his Mom said he was tired.

Homecoming dance
Then on Saturday, we went to Urbandale for a band the rain. This is where the adventure part came in. We thought we had a bit of extra time so we stopped at McDonald's in Grimes for a treat before heading to the football field. We did not count on having to wait for a light to change that took at least 10 minutes! Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but not by much! Butch let us out and we ran to get there on time while he parked the car. We made it! Afterward, we could not believe where he parked by necessity! 5 blocks away!

Here are the best of the band contest pics.

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