Tuesday, June 19

Microsoft Update

Let's face it. I have a love/hate relationship with Microsoft.
1. They have very large updates that bog down your computer making it slow.
2. The updates take forever, sometimes as much as 8 hours to install.
3. Depending on the age of your computer, you may need something "fixed" after the initial headaches of downloading and installation.

That being said sometimes there is a little surprise of something nice. Like a small gift you did not expect.
Click on: Computer Tip-Calculator upgrade

I am speaking particularly about a currency converter. Want to know what the peso is doing in Mexico? Now you can check it out before making the trip. This morning before writing this I found out for every US dollar it takes $20.56 pesos. And Canada's exchange is US $1 for every Canadian $1.33. I hope I said that right.

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