Tuesday, June 19

From Kay Voss

This is a letter to me from Kay V. who used to be in Magnolia Park. I thought many of you might find it interesting.-Barb
How is your summer going?  We have had our share of hot weather, some rain but lately have been missing the rains by a few miles.   I have picked near 90 pounds of asparagus so far....frozen some and did try pickled asparagus.   I doubt I will do that again; too much work getting it cut to the jar size!  

We just returned home from Minneapolis--our daughter, Jodi, graduated from nursing school.  The trip included 3 days away from home.  It was hard on Jim, but we needed to be there for her.   Jim took a "maintenance" chemo in May that was not supposed to affect him---phooey.  He had to have 4 blood transfusions and still is not back to normal.   No more chemo for the summer at least.  He is supposed to gain weight, but can't seem to get the job done.   Jim bought a new riding lawn mower, weed eater, and garden tiller for me.....guess I have inherited new jobs.   Also raising chickens that will be butchered in a few weeks.  I sure hope Jim can cut off the heads----cleaning I can do...

Well, take care....it was nice to hear from you!   Kay

So then I told her that when she talks about her extreme canning many of my friends ask me what she does with all that food. Her answer was interesting too. She is perhaps the only person I know who does canning for a hobby.-Barb

Well,  I started all this because my mom used a lot of my canned food in her later years.  It was hard for her to go get too many groceries, being an independent type.....then when she passed and our 2 girls were starting out, they needed help.  It just continued and the girls, and now granddaughter come to my "store" and help themselves.   I enjoy canning and they love the organic and self-storage of canned food.  We purchase and butcher beef to share with them....tastes so much better!   16 yr old granddaughter prepares homemade meals, including pie crust/pies and she has canned by herself.   I showed her how to can milk---she loves that.   She always surprises me....next year she has been accepted by the U of M  for 2 years of college, totally skipping the last 2 yrs of high school.  Way above grandma!!   A different world than when we were kids for sure.   Kay

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