Saturday, January 2

A winters day.

I woke this morning at 6:45 AM and the temp was 44 degrees outside and 61 degrees inside and it was raining with a north wind. I hiked the thermostat up 5 clicks. You see, I cannot see the thermostat as it is too high to see the button that says "up". I know where it is and I know it is set on 65. It takes one click to wake it up and then one click for each degree. I then put on a sweatshirt to keep the cold at bay. At this time I made the decision to not go anywhere today. No walks, no shopping nothing, nada all day long. I have stuck by my conviction and it has been easy.

We had chili for lunch and panchos for supper and watched two movies. One was Silver Linings Playbook and Tracks on Netflix.
Butch is now at the pool hall.
I looked at the temps a few minutes ago and it is still 44 degrees outside and now 69 degrees inside.

And now you know how my day is shaking out.

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