Wednesday, December 30

A walking adventure

Butch, Peggy and I are the regular walkers. We walk every day, once in mid to late morning and again at 4:00 PM. This works out for me as once I get back home, I can then prepare supper and we can eat so Butch can make it to the pool hall by 6:00. Every day? Yes, every day.

I have continued to cook about 90% more than I ever have. I am liking it and my internal system is very grateful. That is one of the reasons so many recipes have popped up on the blog. But I digress.

Recently when we were walking on Willow street a puppy came flying at us from a block away. I am not at all sure I have ever seen a dog run as fast as that little Yorkie did. If it had been a bigger dog it would have scared the crap out of me. The Yorkie had escaped its human parents as they were in hot pursuit. Believe me, they had not a chance of catching that little bullet of a dog. It was headed for some petting and attention as fast as it could go.

Walking with Butch and Peggy is a stop and go proposition as they stop and pet every visible animal on the entire 1.2 mile walk. They make lots of feline and canine friends along the way. I like dogs but from afar as their sniffing and licking habits annoy me. Make of that what you will. It is what it is and I know not being a dog lover irritates the crap out of some folk. I could say,"Sorry" but I'd be lying.

I purchased a GoPro this morning. After I learn the ropes I may post some videos. Those of you with slow Internet connections will then be irritated with me. On the bike trail near Jefferson is my favorite stretch on a bike. It is beside Roger Conant's place going north. It is downhill to the river and it is beautiful! Every time I ride it I wish I could share the exhilaration and the beauty of it. So with a GoPro maybe I can just a little bit.


Nancy and Joe said...

Walk while you are able. My wife(Nancy)and I use to walk 5 and more miles a day but now she has kidneys failing and it is hard for her to get around. Enjoy your blog.

Barbara Brooker said...
