Thursday, June 11

tropical rain forest?

We seem to be living in a tropical rain forest where vegetation and mosquitos thrive. They  informed us on the news that the conditions have been ideal for poison ivy and it has morphed into a super-toxic strain. Leaves of three- let it be.

The outside work is making progress but is the primary reason for a lack of posts. I still have more to do out there but the rain mentioned above sure puts a Damp-er on things. Ha! My friend Mickey gifted me with some lilies I need to get planted and yesterday I purchased a clematis for a special spot. Years ago a friend who knows about these things told me it was wrong to mud plants in when planting and I have remembered it ever since. So they will have to remain potted until the time and conditions are right...and before they become pot bound. Life is such a delicate balance!

The "pot" these flowers are resting in is actually a piece of water piping we purchased at an auction for a dollar. I wanted it to cover the sewer clean-out pipe that is a smart idea to have above ground, but not particularly pretty. It works well. I like the color.

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