Saturday, March 21

Rain, Rain go away!

It misted on us now and again on our trip north and we arrived in Three Rivers in fairly dry condition. While we were visiting with Tom and Wanda it began raining-HARD. And it rained quite hard throughout the night. It is 2 pm Saturday and seems to have finally quit. We decided to stay put as we do not like to travel in the rain. The forecast for tomorrow will let us be on our way. Our next planned stop is in Sulphur LA just because it is 350 miles from here and we could locate it on the Internet. A+ Rv park and it promises to be easy to find and I certainly hope it is easier than this one. Three Rivers South Texas RV Park is a bugger to find and we would not have without the gps. It is basically an oil workers park and we would not choose it again. Not because of the workers but because of management. We have made three trips to the office to pay and there is no one in attendance. There was a guy near the office yesterday and he told us to pick a site and she would come look us up. She hasn't.
I spoke too soon. It is raining again.
We have certainly been sun-deprived in Texas the past two years!

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