Sunday, September 21

Sunday Ride

Keri and I bopped down to Cooper on our bikes. Not to bad a trip...8 miles...a little crisp but then we had to return to Jefferson. 15-20 mph winds out of the NNW. No fun at all!!! It makes you feel as though you have not been on a bike in years. That 8 mile return felt like far longer. Very glad to see the depot and home and a cup of hot coffee. We did enjoy our visit when we could find enough lung power and leg power to talk....I think I have made it sound much worse than it actually was but writers can do that!
On Saturday afternoon I did about 3-4 hours of work on the front flower garden. Now Colleen has told me we should leave our gardens alone in the fall because it provides food for the birds throughout a long cold winter but I do remember the work I put in on this garden this Spring after just walking away from it in the fall of 2013. I wanted just a bit of a head start in the Spring of 2015. So the sore muscles from gardening most likely acerbated the pain from the bike ride. Ya, think?? A whole new way of paying it forward.

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