Tuesday, April 29

Getting settled

April in the house is much better than April in the motorhome. I glanced to my right to see the indoor/outdoor thermometer and it is registering a flat 40 degrees outside. Hard to be enthused about getting yard work done at that temperature. We did get a two mile walk in this morning while it was still a balmy 47 degrees. I decided I simply could not wait for it to warm up to start walking.

This afternoon Butch started work on a Bucket cooler AC. We have hopes that it will be getting hot enough to need one in the future. Here is a video of what I am talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxSLbpAwibg
 I like the one in the video better but we had difficulty locating the parts so Jason gave us an old cooler he had and Butch modified the idea to make it work. Butch could use this in the garage when it is hot if he wants to work out there or we could loan it to a friend of ours who does not have AC in her house. It could possibly give her a better nights sleep some July evening.
So here we sit waiting for warm...waiting...and waiting.

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