Saturday, December 7


Once again we are hunkered down because of cold weather. That is, we have been ever since the garage sale is over. Once a year we take our excess accumulation of things up to Allen Hall, pay $2 for a table to display our items and wait for the crowds to take our excess from us and release us from the bondage of THINGS. I tell you when I walk out the door after a sale I feel like a new and unencumbered woman. What a thrill!
I came home after the sale with the intention of sitting tight till warm weather returns. I even passed on walking today. The outside temp did  not get past 42 degrees. Another great Chili day so I put it all together in the crockpot and then settled in for a long winters nap.
So despite the bite of cold it has been a very good day.
The lady next to me, Susie, was selling vintage buttons to which she had attached a magnet. My only purchase of the day...besides lunch.

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