Wednesday, June 27

Triple digit heat and such

Jason came over yesterday and helped Butch with getting things done in the crawl space. I offered but I have can you get me out after I get in there. I think he had reservations as to my skill levels beyond the concerns of getting me into and out of the  crawl space as well. But we are both glad for Jason's help and I wondered to myself what I could fix for supper that would be a special treat. I mentioned creamed eggs on toast and Butch thought it would be a good choice. We tried creamed eggs on toast as a breakfast choice in Magnolia Park with minimal success. BUT we used gravy premix and I did not do that. I used a made-from- scratch old fashioned white sauce. You know butter, flour and milk and all like in the old days. It was wonderful!!! And Jason loved it which is the most important part. He said, "I bet you thought you were going to have leftovers." and indeed I had thought that but it was okay. I haven't had someone rave over my cooking for quite some time. It was nice.
After supper Leo stopped by with some sweet corn he purchased at the farmers market. Can you believe sweet corn before the 4th of July? Unheard of!! Colleen was telling me this morning that it was planted March 15th! And then I helped Colleen with her computer and she brought me some peas and new potatoes from the fore-mentioned farmers market. We are eating very well these days.
Butch is nearing the halfway mark on the I am just full of good news.
I am in a bit of a push as we are thinking of going to the movies so more later...or tomorrow A M.

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