Tuesday, June 26


I must be much better as it is hard to remember to take the medication. It was not at all hard in the beginning.  I am now able to eat normally and eating is one of the things I enjoy best so that is a good thing.
Butch is working on the electrical and I am helping with that on occasion as well as doing other odds and ends like laundry, cooking...yes, I said cooking,,,and watering plants and pulling weeds.
I am still getting my 2 miles in every morning with my friend Colleen. We keep each other going and there are days we each would pass on if we were on our own.
I walked through the garage yesterday afternoon and I could smell garlic...and then I remembered the garlic Colleen gave me to plant. So I looked at it and it was sprouting. In other words it was screaming to be planted and so I planted it. In two different locations. That tells you how humid it has been lately. Also tells you that plants have their own way of screaming and garlic is pretty damn good at it. I love the way this garlic looks when it matures. It looks like a graceful crane. I hope it takes off so I can get some pictures...or perhaps I can find some on Google images.
Found one!

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