Wednesday, June 20

Not the best week for me

I have a semi-blocked sluggish salivary gland under my tongue. This feels basically like a tooth ache. I have researched everything there is on the Internet...yes, I know that is an do for a blocked salivary gland and I am doing them all frequently. No I have not gone to the doctor...yet. I am taking antibiotics among other things and if that doesn't do anything for me I will get to a doctor soon. This started Sunday evening. I seem to be getting better but of course it is never fast enough. This is not only painful but also a big nuisance. So if I tend to be a bit cranky you now know why. My salivary glands seem to be a bit dried up and this also results in creative juices drying up a bit as well. So...I will catch you up later on the bits and pieces of our lives

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