Tuesday, March 27

Two lives

We Winter Texans all have essentially two lives. Our summers are very different from our winters. For some it is busier in the summer when they return to their northern climes. For me it is the opposite and I intend to keep it that way. Someone asked me if I planned to "get involved" in our old hometown. The answer is no if it means going to meetings and taking on obligations. Interested? Yes. Involved? No. 12 months of involvement is too many. The season in Texas ends April 1st. I will be helping wrap up getting the hall ready for its summer rest later this week and getting loose ends taken care of and then I am free. My time can once again be my own. I am very ready for that. You might be happy to know that the blog will be more active when I have time to mull over things to share with you.
Till next time...

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