Friday, March 9

For Goodness Sake!!!

Where have I been? Well if you check out the Magnolia News Blog you will definitely know. But yesterday Donn, Peggy, Butch and I went to Mexico. Just little old Progreso. Really it is not much like being in Mexico at all. We see many more faces that look like us, old and wrinkled, than we do guys in military gear with guns strapped on their backs. Actually the military presence of years past is no longer evident. I do not know where they went. We did hear they were on the south edge of town at one time but now they say they are not there either. Is it safe to go down there? Probably not. But what we are doing is taking the chance nothing will happen in the few hours we are there and having faith that a higher power will keep us safe. So far it has worked.
While we were there we loaded up on all we will need so another trip will not be necessary and I did pick up the items Marlene Kelley and Jason Brooker asked me to get.
We also stopped at Garcia's for Pancho's and they tasted as good as ever.

Yesterday was a very busy day for started off with a knock on the door and they needed two more players for shuffleboard. It has been a very long time since I have played but I agreed. Near the end of that Kay V. and Irma looked me up because they found a projector. That statement is at the end of a very long story. Kay Voss has been trying to line up a tour of the Border Patrol facility for three years. It is a very popular choice for tours and it was always full but this year she contacted them as soon as she arrived and lined one up for the fall of 2012. They called her on Wednesday and informed her that tours were no longer possible under any circumstances but they would come to the park for a presentation on the 16th at 9:00 AM but they would need a projection screen( we have) a laptop computer (we have) Speakers/ sound system (we have) and a projector(do NOT have). Kay and Irma located a projector so it is on. I did have to take my computer to Allen Hall and hook everything up to make sure it all worked and it does. That was exciting.

Then we went to Mexico. On the way home we stopped by the park where the guy resides who sells the PVC pipe cranes and bought 4. I am adding some of this info because I know the right people read it and will get the message. wink, wink.
Caught a quick nap after we returned and then had to head to the pool hall for the Mixed in-Park Pool league. Last night for that. My partner, Don Harper and I had a very good time playing but we were never in the running for a prize. Butch and his partner, Dorral Guzman, probably had a much better chance but it did not work out for them either.

Whew!! I think I am a little bit up to date.
In about 45 minutes I must head to the little hall for computer class so till next time...

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