Thursday, March 1

And the beat goes on...

The cold is better. Feeling very much back to normal and that is a good thing. Our friend Everett is getting better. He has all the tubes out and is talking, something that Everett enjoys very much. He and Butch share that trait.
My house still needs cleaned but I will get to it one of these fine days..or not. I am still making bracelets. The latest one is for an auction. I will post a picture of it later.
Jason tells us we are in for bad weather here on Tuesday and when I asked how he came to this conclusion he said because they are supposed to be having 60 degree weather in Iowa. I hope he is wrong about OUR weather. I do remember one birthday of mine ( March 6th) when we lived in Denison Iowa and the weather was so nice that I washed sheets and hung them outside to dry. And then the neighbor boy put mud all over them. I was incensed!! But it did make that birthday a memorable one.
We have been here long enough for Butch to feel a bit bored. He is anxious to get back to Iowa and work on the house. Of course we know the weather up there could get quite ugly yet so he will just have to get over it.
Till next time...

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