Monday, September 19

History of our country in a nutshell

Probably the best capsule of the history of our country ever put together.  It's fascinating to watch the evolution of growth from the 13 colonies up to the present, with dates, wars, purchases, etc. included.  As much as you may know about American history, I guarantee you'll learn something from this short video clip.
This “moving” map of the country, shows it from the beginning of the 13 states through the present.

It includes the acquisitions from England and Spain, the Slave states, the Free states, a segment on the Civil war, it includes some mentions of Central and South America, etc.
It also shows the Indian Nations as they were during the Indian Wars: Modac, Miwok, Mujave, Nez Perce, Flat Head, Crow, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Navajo, Apache, Dakota, Sioux, Kiowa, Wichita and Comanche.
A great site, especially if you enjoy American history, but have forgotten a lot of what we learned in school. Turn on your sound, as the narration is a significant portion of the presentation.

Click on the link below. (When it opens, don't click on Go at the bottom .... click on Play at the top.)

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