Friday, June 10

Butch's Birthday Party

Leo and Keri made a big deal out of Butch's birthday yesterday. We ate at The Howling Coyote in Panora. Very good food by the way. This was followed by birthday cake and it was wonderful too. There were gifts and cards and a suitable notation of Butch's 70th. That is hard for either of us to fathom. That number has always seemed far, far away. And now it is here. Thank God it is only a number.
I forgot my camera but I tried a couple of shots with my phone. I have never mastered getting good shots with it so they are okay but I am far from proud. While getting the pictures from the phone to the computer I notice a couple taken last winter in Magnolia park. One is Butch trying to figure out what was wrong with Pecan Bills golf cart and the other is Pecan Bill and Kay's geraniums

Keri, Butch, Leo and Norma

With my Verizon connection I have noticed every day at the same time my connection gets cranky. It grinds away, taking forever to connect and gets quite annoying. So we have learned to leave it alone when it is cranky and it seems to work itself out and be okay again. We are in a cranky period as I am writing this so I may have to wait to upload pictures.
I endured my annual checkup yesterday and all my numbers were good except the weight of course. So that little visit is over for another year. Butch's were okay too when he went on Tuesday.

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