Thursday, June 9

Been doing same ol' stuff

And getting caught up on details. Sometimes the details of life pile up and they need attention. The annual check ups, mailing in rebates,running out of band aids, getting address changes made, cleaning house, doing laundry etc. And those are the things we have dealt with so far this week. Butch has continued demo on the house in between these details. So progress is being made and it is satisfying to see things move along. I would guess you could say demo is 1/3 done.
We are settling in. Just like we do in any new location. It takes awhile but pretty soon a routine becomes discernible and you find you are doing the same things on the same days and thus the routine in established. We are creatures of habit and that is a good thing. Some order in life is necessary and welcome. It has a calming effect. So we are calm and settled and we hope you are as well.

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