Sunday, May 1

This 'n That

We worked yesterday at the house. Butch took down the ugly wrought iron railing on the front steps for me. That was a big job as the posts of the railing were set in cement. I have replacement posts for the main supports  but the uglies will have to stay for awhile to hold the porch roof up. They had outdoor carpeting on the steps and they had glued it down. My plan was to sand it off but as luck would have it that didn't work. Plan B is to sand it till it is smooth and paint over it. Butch and I both worked at sanding it down yesterday so it is now ready for paint. Looks much better even without paint.
Butch mowed and I raked most of the back yard. Neither of us are used to this physical labor. He is more used to it than I but we were both stoved up last night. A couple of aspirin and a good nights sleep does wonders.

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