Tuesday, April 26

Lowes and other updates.

Lowes are becoming our new best friends. We have been there the last two days but now we have all of the supplies needed to put in water/sewer/electric for our Moho hookup. Machinery,supplies and people are all lined up. The big bugaboo is cold and rain. We need a few dry days and some sunshine before starting on dirt work and ditches so we take comfort in the fact that at least we will not need to interrupt the work to gather things we need once the weather cooperates. It is all there. Today Butch may get around to doing the put-together part so it will be ready to go in the ditch when it is opened etc.
We have decided without a doubt that April will be a travel month for us next Spring. Running heat in April is really unnecessary if you stay in the right part of the country. The month of May is soon enough for central Iowa regardless of the stage of construction we are in at the time. I was reading Howard and Linda's (full-timing friends) journal and Howard talked about avoiding storms in the Spring and that too is a factor. Last April we were in southern Mississippi and they were getting hit hard north of there. Same is true this April. A certain amount of it is just taking life chances but staying in the Midwest especially southern Midwest in the Spring may be pushing it a bit. When you know better, you do better.
Our 16 year old cat Angel is not doing well. She cries alot for unknown reasons. She has difficulty getting up and down. So much so she rarely does it. She spends 95% of her life sleeping. She no longer asks to go outside or get treats. The decision is hard but we may need to make it soon.

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