Saturday, February 5

Mo Snow

Son Gary sent me some pictures of the snow in the Kansas City area. More specifically his front yard.
His comment was "Fun stuff digging out from 50 year storms."
Oh, how we remember and do not want to go there... 

We have been dealing with our own form of winter here. We have had cold temperatures for four days with ice coatings, windchills, electrical outages and no water etc. But this fine sunny morning we are seeing the end of the tunnel. The predicted high is 62 and the low tonight in the 40's. We can live with that. Butch has our water hose hooked back up and later I will take the plants outside. Since it was a hard freeze the leaves will all drop from the trees in a few days and then as the temperatures rise we will soon be seeing buds on the trees. It was definitely cold enough for crop damage. Fortunately things do grow quickly here so that too will be short lived although it will be a blow to many pocket books for awhile.

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