Sunday, October 31

Behinder I Get

I am so far behind I do not know where to begin! I suppose where I left off. Even if I do that I have left out a couple of things like a slideshow of more wedding pictures and videos of Elise. But I do hope to get back to those when I can find a minute or two.

We had a fun but very busy few days with the Linder's and Morton's at Canyon Lake. We attended a very nice surprise birthday party for Don Gilbert.
Surprise Happy Birthday!!

 These are all people we became acquainted with at Snow Mountain Ranch. On Saturday morning I checked my email and had a message from Jolene (Dozier) Oyer, a classmate of mine. Jolene lives in New Braunfels TX and we were very close to her location! She had checked the blog and discovered this. She included her phone number in the message so I gave her a call and invited her to come join me for whatever activities we "girls" were doing for the day. The guys were playing golf. So Jolene spent the day with myself, Lisa, Gail, and Dottie. We went to a craft show and a neat little shop called Bad Girlz. Jolene and I caught up on lots of things in between the fun we all had as a group. It was a very pleasant and surprising day.
Barb and Jolene.

Will this be the picture that inspires me to take of 50 pounds? Hmmm... remains to be seen.
Magic!!! I need some magic!!
Sunday morning we started off bright and early. I think we left the RV Park at 8:15, fueled up locally and we were off on our last leg of the trip. All went smoothly but I can tell you it is HOT here. 92 was supposed to be the high for the day but it felt much warmer than that to me.
We arrived in the park about 2:30 and set up rather quickly. Then we went to Church's for supper and H.E.B. for my first shopping trip of the season. I was not disappointed as I found every item on my list!!
Stick with me loyal readers I will get caught up before I go schizophrenic with two blogs!!

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