Sunday, November 15

Picked it up

We picked up Butch's computer this morning and I spent a fair amount of time getting it set up for him. So he is back to having his own to play games and check his email. He does check it more often when it is on his own computer. That doesn't mean he will answer anything just so you know.
It is a cute little thing and hasn't given us any challenges yet. Seems to be zippy enough and Windows 7 doesn't appear to be that much different. I found my way around without a hitch. It doesn't have a ton of hard drive so I do not plan to use it as back up for this one. I have an external hard drive for that tucked safely away. does need to be updated. How easy it is to forget that!!
I do not have any idea what I did to this one to make it straighten up and behave itself but it is working fine. I have no plans to make a change until I am forced to. Setting one up for Butch is a whole different ball of wax than setting one up for me.

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