Thursday, December 16

Today I made a cake. So? You say. It is a big deal! I haven't baked a from scratch cake for probably 20 maybe even 30 years. So I assemble all the ingredients ahead of time. I like to be prepared. First off I had Butch light my new oven. Yes, I am doing a from scratch cake in an oven I have never baked in before. So I tear into this project and it seems to be going well. I divide the batter into the two round pans and pop them in the oven. Then I decide to read through the recipe again just to be sure and WHOOPS! I left out 1 cup of hot water. It was in the microwave and I forgot it. What to do-what to do... They had not been in the oven long so I pop them out and mix in a half cup of water in each pan. I know you real cooks out there are saying to yourselves "This isn't going to work." Well , I did get them baked. I am sure they are about half the height they are supposed to be. I did get them frosted and it doesn't look too bad. I think I will take it up to the hall early so no one sees me carry it in. There is supposed to be cake and ice cream after the Christmas parade tonight. Check into the other website later for pictures of the parade entries.
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