Sunday, February 23

And then there were 3 incidents...

 Early Saturday morning I woke up and Butch's breathing alarmed me. It was shallow and gurgly and rapid. I woke him up and said I think you need to go to ER. Thinking it was nothing but a respiratory something we planned to go to breakfast when we got out of ER and then do some grocery shopping.

As soon as they hooked him up to "their machines" they asked him how long he had AFIB. He said my wife has AFIB, I don't, but the proof was on the machine.

After testing lots of things they said he had some fluid on his lungs and was dehydrated at the same time. They said this is not uncommon and to correct it they give them a med that drains the fluid and once drained they then rehydrate. He pee'd about two gallons in 30 minutes and it did indeed work as they said. And the AFIB was still active so transferred him to McAllen Medical. They kept him the rest of Saturday and all of today (Sunday). He possibly will be coming home tomorrow. I certainly hope so. A cardiologist touched base with him this afternoon and told him he would look over his charts and tell him where to go from here. Hopefully early tomorrow.

Paul K. and I went to see him this afternoon and he looked fit as a fiddle. His hacky cough is gone and I assume they were still monitoring him for AFIB but the gismo they have on him now goes straight to the nurse's desk. 

I hope he comes home tomorrow and assume he will be.

I hope this fills you in. We think all is fine and we can resume our life as we love it.

I will think that until I am told or find out otherwise!

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