Thursday, August 1

Busy weekend coming up...

 Today is Butch's brother Bill's 90th birthday and he is back in Iowa from Arkansas because there is a party planned for him at the casino and lots of people are coming. We are looking forward to it.

Our kids will be here too. So plenty of pool being played as well as golf and card games. Fun!

A friend asked me if I could make her a bracelet. It is a craft that has been on the back burner for a few years but I said "yes" because it is a craft that doesn't take up much room and unlike Swedish Weaving, it can be done in all kinds of weather. Holding a Swedish Weaving project on your lap can be too warm sometimes. So yesterday I decided to jump into relearning the beading process. The hardest part is getting started. I am specifically referring to peyote, even-count with delica beads. Not all of you know what that means but some will. Suffice it to say it took me over an hour to start a bracelet that would have taken 10 minutes in my prime. So now I need to keep working on the getting started part until I can once again start one in less than an hour!

So I have been doing lots of things besides blogging!

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