Thursday, November 30

Our Yesterday

 A couple of nights ago Butch had an "incident" when he got up around 3:00 AM to go to the bathroom. He said the room was spinning around him. It was scary because we had no idea what was happening or why. So I got on the internet to try making sense of it all and found lots of info, such as dehydration, low blood sugar etc and we didn't think any of them applied really but did our best to rule them out. 

And then!!! We went to happy hour and believe it or not found all of our answers among our peers! It seems this is a common problem among the "elderly". Our neighbors across the street said this happened to them and that Dan and Linda helped them with a solution. Dan and Linda happen to be trivia players that we are well acquainted with and they sent the solution to me. There are crystals in your inner ears that can get displaced and cause this room-spinning effect. The solution is fairly simple. Who knew!! Well, Dan did and sent me the directions and I am happy to share them with you.

And yes, it did work although Butch did say the solution was a bit traumatic.

It is called the Epley Maneuver

The above video is very detailed. We found another simpler one and it worked too.

This morning he is feeling much better and has not had any more events since following the directions on the video. A special thanks to all who were a part of the solution!! We are GRATEFUL!!

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