Thursday, October 5

Loose Ends

 We do not usually get in a toot about most things, tending to take life as it comes on any given day. However, several things at once are clambering for attention and we are a mere eleven days from take off. 

No problem! I have 4 things off my list this morning so hopefully most of my work is done for the day. 

We had made appointments in Texas with Thurman Eye associates in November, but circumstances meant that my eye issues were all taken care of. Canceled mine but kept Butch's.

We have put off dermatology appointments in Iowa so making appointments in Texas was on the to-do list. Done!

Butch needed a prescription refilled before we leave. Done

The other day an ad in the Elks Magazine caught Butch's eye and he decided we needed to look into getting our cremations prepaid. So we made an appointment and found out all the details yesterday and decided to go through with it. Signing papers and such is happening on Saturday.

We made a decision the other day to have our breezeway doors replaced with something a bit more weather worthy so our friend Russ will be doing that job ASAP. Butch was tired of trying to get the styrofoam in place so it would stay. It was definitely a stop-gap measure.

We generally do not have this many irons in the fire at one time but we go where life leads us!

I do know that all the things we need to do to get ready to leave will not take long to do. The test of it is when to do what so it all comes together at the right time. Yes, it will happen. The main issue really is to keep the mental wheels from turning in the middle of the night. Decision making can be very tiresome in all aspects of the word.

I think I need a nap! 

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