Thursday, July 20

Today’s thought

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ―Confucius

This has been a quote I have used many times over throughout my life. I think it is because I have never been one to move quickly. I can move quickly but it rarely happens.

At our house,  life has been progressing in its normal fashion. Our friendly neighbors Pete and Jerilynn will soon be returning to their sticks and bricks home and putting their RV in storage. Jerilynn's son and his wife have purchased a home so their life will return to some normalcy as well. We have enjoyed having them in our backyard ready to play "Golf" or "Wizard" at the drop of a hat. 

Butch is playing real golf as often as possible and I am walking the bike trail not nearly as often as I should be. We both try to get a pool game going every day at 4:00. My game has improved some through the summer and Butch's doesn't need to. 

We still do trivia every Thursday night and if it works out we might play a card game after or play some pool. The pool hall has definitely been used as we intended.

The summer is moving swiftly as it always seems to. And who would have thought that Iowa would be the Mecca of the US because of our moderate weather? We have had a few days in the 90's but then it seems a cold front moves through and we are back to pleasant.

So I am writing this hoping I still have a few readers of the blog. I know it has been a while.

Best Wishes Always,

Barb B.

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