Tuesday, June 20

Oh ,what a day

 Having quite the time keeping up. Age...it has to be age. Doesn't it? 

An eventful day here. Our neighbors had a bad day. they lost a member of their family...I think.

 I always called him Weird Guy. A few weeks ago another guy came and he looked like Weird Guy, only younger, and thinner. Weird is wandering around your yard, talking to yourself, manicuring your yard with scissors. You read that right. Scissors, sewing scissors. The new weird guy wanders around the yard, talks to himself, and throws imaginary objects in the street. He gave off an aroma of anger in his body language. I called them Weird Guy 1 and Weird Guy 2. This morning there was a news flash that said there was a dead man discovered in Jefferson Iowa on a street near us. It took a while for the info to get sorted out but it seems Weird Guy 2 did himself in. Even the small part I know appears to be a sad story. Mental issues are so hard to deal with and the general public (Me) doesn't have any idea what to do about it, how to help, or even if should we help.

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