Sunday, May 28

The Kids

 One of the benefits of having your offspring retire is that we see more of them. To be honest I didn't think of that. The Missouri kids are here for the weekend and it looks to be a busy one. The weekend will include various activities; golf, pool, card games, crafts, and trail walks. Gary is famous for cramming as much into every day as he possibly can. That is not a trait he got from me. None of us see any slowing down in him.

We have been to both Jefferson cemeteries to pay respects to those who have gone before. Turning 80, and losing all of my immediate family members, two of them in the past year has made them more present in my mind. Not in a mournful way but the fondest memories of each of them.

And now for something completely different. Gary needed to do some cleaning on his RV. And Jerilynn needed to clean her RV windows. Both of them lacked the "cleaner" product to do the job. So I shared with them my cleaner recipe that I have used for years on virtually every surface in my multiple homes. 

All Purpose Cleaner

1 C. Alcohol, 1 C. Water, 1 C. White Vinegar, and 3 or 4 drops of Dawn soap. I have more than one spray bottle of this in all of my "homes".

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