Friday, April 28

Getting Settled

 Yes, we are getting settled. Yesterday Butch made huge strides in getting his workshop/old garage cleaned out and organized and I cleaned out flower beds and raked leaves. We leave before all the leaves have dropped in the fall making it necessary to deal with them in the Spring. I am about half done.

Today we are headed to see Marlene and Bernard in Northern Iowa. Marlene and Bernard played a huge part in our going to the Rio Grande Valley every year and we miss them each season. Marlene asked us to stop by the Weslaco/Donna fleamarket to buy her some pecans. She likes the ones that are bits and pieces and says it saves her time when she is baking. Marlene and Keri are the best cooks in our family and the rest of us have enjoyed their endeavors for many, many years. So today is delivery day for the pecans. And we are taking her one of Keri's famous Key Lime Pies. Everybody wins!!

Oh, and we sneak in a game of pool now and then.

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