Monday, February 20

Pool and other stuff

 Sally and I organize the Sunday Mixed Doubles event every other Sunday, alternating with Bev who has done it for years. It is quite easy to get overloaded with activities and Bev appreciates getting help with it. Even events that are greatly enjoyed can get to be too much of a good thing. Trophy Gardens has a plethora of activities to choose from and some very talented people to teach nearly anything you can think of to do.

Sunday Mixed Doubles 2/19/2023
The top winners of the day were:
Barb Utech and Jeff Golly with 10 wins out of 10 games.
Bev McEnaney and Butch Brooker with 8 wins out of 10 games.
Teri Thibodeau and Paul Kelleher with 7 wins out of 10 games.
Barb Brooker and Darrel Millard with 6 wins out of 10 games.
We commend the 7 teams who assisted the winners in having the success they did.
Donna Hanke and Kinley Poulson
Diane Golly and Don Riley
Sally Kelleher and Elmer Hanke
Betsie Brown and Don Wulf
Claudette Hogenson and Marcel Tessier
Janet Brown and Jerry Thibodeau
Lola Wulf and Bob Nance
Playing in this social event is a great way to widen your circle of friends and meet new people. The new sign-up sheet is up on the east wall of the pool hall. So think about sharpening up those pool-playing skills and joining in the fun on Sunday afternoons.
See you in the pool hall!!
Barb Brooker
The "Other Stuff" will have to wait till later as I have cleaning and laundry on my agenda as well.😇

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