Tuesday, August 30

Leave here with a laugh and other Stuff


We need a 12-step group for compulsive talkers. They could call it On Anon Anon. —Paula Poundstone

We attended an impromptu family reunion this past weekend and I have decided that is the best way to do one. That way you can take the angst out of it. No matter what date you set there will always be those who can come and those who cannot. It was a great event and we talked to many who we have only seen once in a blue moon.

I am frequently amazed as to how life's little foibles can fall into place. A friend from the park in Texas called me to catch up on what is going on with them and us. And in the course of the conversation, I told her we had lost the keys to our park model. She told me that her partner was a former firefighter and he had the tools to enter homes without keys. It is part of a firefighter's job but something I never thought about. So she called me back last night and told me he had entered and recovered a key for us! One more little snafu off our list. It is wonderful when those little worrisome things can be removed from the list of things to "fix". We are grateful!!

Things that have caught my eye lately...


Do you see that little spot of fall color in the upper middle of the pic?

Simply beautiful

                                                                         At the Depot

More Mushrooms

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