Thursday, July 14

Thursday 7/14 Trivia Night

 Today is Thursday and I have my questions ready. Last week was an easy one, I thought. This one is entirely new as I finished putting it together on Monday. I would rate it easy to medium but I am not the best judge on that so we will reassess after tonight.

Yesterday Sue L. and I went with Mickey to her PET scan and report. Mickey is still in a bad way with her back so Sue drove Mickey's car and I was there for moral support. The Doc said he liked the looks of her test and he helped line up a guy (Neurosurgeon) to work on the back issue. They go in with needles and reinflate the vertebrae and then fill them with orthopedic concrete. My Atlantic IA friend Bev G. told me about it and Mickey knew about it too but needed a referral. Her oncology doctor was able to start the ball rolling on that. So all in all it was a productive day. Still very painful for Mickey but hopefully progress was made.

So life putters on and now I will go help Butch put a puzzle together...

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