Wednesday, January 27

A Few Minutes...

 I have a few minutes before I get my haircut. My friend Liz cuts it for me. It was her profession for many years and still is I might say. We played cribbage with Dave and Liz last night and she told us she had spent the past two days getting the first vaccine injection. Monday they waited in line six hours to get a ticket and then Tuesday they woke up at three to get there early and still waited an hour and a half. That was Liz and a couple of her friends as Dave got his from the VA a week or so ago. So both of our friends, Liz and Dave have been vaccinated. We are still waiting on CVS Pharmacy to notify us. Our phone will be where they tell us they have the vaccine and then we will make an appointment. Cross my fingers!

I played pool the past two days. Women's days are Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Monday I played well, but Tuesday not so much. It is the constant ebb and flow of life I say philosophically!

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