Wednesday, October 27

A Bump

At least I hope it is just a bump. I woke up to the refrigerator beeping. So at 5:00 AM Butch is reading the booklet to make a diagnosis. He found the code and it says it cannot be repaired by the owner. So we can't call anyone at 5:00AM. I couldn't go back to sleep and neither could Butch for quite some time. Right now we are waiting for 8:00 AM so we CAN call someone. Cross your fingers for us...more later

I guess one is never completely free of "Bumps". When Butch got up he started tracing down the problem. And one of the things he noticed was our coach lights were decidedly dim. So he started checking out the converter and sure enough, it was not working. The house batteries were down because of this too and that meant the refrigerator was short on power. I am not overly smart about all this electrical stuff, There is house power (batteries) and then there is plugged-in electricity power otherwise referred to as 120 volts.  Both of them have to be working for all to be correct. So Butch determined we need a new converter. Ordered it on Amazon, ($170) supposed to be here Saturday. So soon we hope to be back on track. It seems we needed one more thing on our list of the stem to stern maintenance.

I am sorry I kept you all in suspense all day. It was also the day our COBA Internet was installed, I was short on sleep and I hoped to get to play pool but that didn't happen either. Till next time! 

Oh yes! The refrigerator is working. We have a battery charger on the coach batteries. Temporary fix.

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