Tuesday, June 22

The Waiting Game

 You know how it is...you contract with some outfit to have a service done-they say "Sometime next week." That sounds good so you hang around home waiting for the phone call and it doesn't happen. And you realize that everyone is super busy these days so you assume they have been delayed by 'something' and remain patient. It is the last large venture on our agenda this summer. When this is done we will be free! So now we are in week two. One of us is home all the time, or we try to be. No phone call.

Oh, and by the way, if you stop by to see us and the car is not in the driveway more than likely Butch is golfing and I am home. So don't go by whether the car is home.

We have had two full summers of the waiting business and we are both ready to be done with it. Patiently waiting...

The tree service is what we are waiting on. And this is the tree that lost a limb and injured our RV to the tune of $20,000 so Butch wants it topped. It is a Russian Elm tree.

Before picture.

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