Thursday, May 20

It's a start!

I cleaned up my front flower bed yesterday. I particularly like my front flower bed right now with the chives, iris, and sweet william all blooming at the same time. It looks so well-planned and it so was not!

The chives are on the left. Next is a Barb/Colleen collaboration that has been inside the house for a few years but now it is getting a breath of fresh air. Then there are the two egrets we bought from a guy in the Snow to Sun RV Park in the Rio Grande Valley. Then there is an art piece made by our youngest son, Jason. It took a lot of begging to get some of his art. The red, white, and blue piece with our name on it, was made by Don and Sally Louks while we were in Magnolia Park. When we left that park we brought it with us. The ladybug on the far right is a new addition made by Mickey and her daughters a couple of weeks ago. There is a story and a history to everything!

 Our neighbor seems to wait till he gets a nudge to mow. He got nudged. It was almost knee-high.

When we moved into this house, our neighbor, Bill, across the street asked me if I would like some iris. He was culling out a bed. I said sure. They are a brief bloom but I enjoy them for their duration.

No special story on the chives that I can remember. I had some seed and put it in this corner.

I would love to get the rest of my outdoor stuff spruced up but the weather is not cooperating. It will soon look like a tropical rainforest if it doesn't give us a break.

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