Thursday, February 11

Weather and other stuff

 We too are looking at a streak of less than ideal weather. One of the advantages to being this far south is that we can see it coming from a long way off. We are all getting prepared to hunker down and enjoy a few days of deep south Texas winter. It will be fun, I say! The pool hall will be open, we have lots of food on hand, and our propane tank is full. There are many other good things too but too many to mention off the top of my head. Monday is the day we are all most focused on.

Getting the first Covid vaccine has had unexpected thoughts for me. It is a bit like Christmas as a child. It was always a long way off and a bit out of reach and then it happened! My main feeling is one of relief, surprisingly. At last, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Another surprise is the number of people who say they are not getting it. Some are understandable, health reasons, a waiting game to see that we who do, don't drop over dead like a bunch of flies and those with a bit of simple apprehension. The ones who aren't getting it for political reasons or just plain stubbornness are the most troublesome as they continue to put the people around them at risk. We will still wear our masks, socially distance, and wash our hands to guard against the naysayers and do our part to aid our fellow humans. To me wearing a mask is a bit like a visual handshake. It says I care about your wellbeing as well as my own.

The trees in south Texas are budding! In a short time, we will be having full-blown leaves on the trees. It happens so quickly. The birds are happily singing away looking for a hook-up so they can settle down, build a nest, and carry on with the next phases of their chirpy lives.

Love ya' all!!

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