Wednesday, November 11

Finally recovering from trip

 This year is different as if that is news! The only thing familiar was the route down. In a normal year, we would have taken two or three weeks to get here, stopping to see family and friends along the way and we certainly hope we can return to that by next fall. We missed the leisurely meander of seasons past. 

There is that and then the rush to get packed up before we left. We forgot a lot of things! We hope to return to living in our MoHo for at least a week before take-off.

So we are somewhat self-isolating by staying home more and masking up and six feet apart when we don't stay home or people come to visit and we stay outdoors. Actually, that is the usual behavior. Visiting with people as they come by on foot or in their golf cart is the norm and inviting them inside is unusual.

Butch has been going to the pool hall. He and his partner Paul, both mask up and are the only ones there so far. They have a limit of ten people in the pool hall at one time and that hasn't happened yet.

Butch decided to wash the motorhome yesterday and that endeavor always starts at the top. So yes, he was on the roof. I think you can tell that he is very much back to full activities including riding his bicycle. He wants to finish the wash job today as he has the north side and rear yet to do. The roof is done, Thank God!

The weather is summer-like, with daytime highs in the high 80's and lows in the high 60's. We are okay with that for now. 

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