Wednesday, September 30

Supposed to show

 The guy we hired to do the insulation has passed us along to a friend of his, also in the business citing his back injury as the cause. In dealing with the stand-in, so far at least, he has seemed much more business-like. He called about an hour ago and said the crew would be here in 45 minutes. We still have hope.

Our paint guy has asked us to get someone else but we told him that we could wait till Spring for the paint. This guy is also a roofer and the Derecho has made his life busy to the extreme. We have cement siding so the paint can wait without a problem.

The water leak ( see an earlier post) is still not totally resolved. We have another meeting with the Water Board on the 20th so we will not be going South until after that date for sure. As it stands at the minute our water bill is over $4000 for two months. Between the plumber, the city, and us we will get it resolved and for a lot less than that. 

The RV people are in touch regularly so before too long we should be able to get our MoHo back home.

Hmmm. In reading the above it does not sound like life is too rosy at the moment for this branch of the Brookers. The actuality is we know it could be much worse so we thank our lucky stars and endure. Our attitude is full of gratitude. 

Butch did not like the idea of not being able to walk with me, especially when we are in South Texas, so he has been doing his own therapy. He has been walking and playing golf. He walked with me on the trail one day and did fine so I think we have that covered.

The insulation guys just pulled up! Yippy Skippy!! 

Now if the garage door guys would show up...

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