Tuesday, September 1

Progress 9-1-2020

 Sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow and sometimes frustrating. This is a medium day. Butch and Russ are working on north side siding. By appearance, I would say half done but it is a side that takes a lot of fitting as they near the top. The sleeve for our heater/AC arrived today. It was just shipped yesterday! That was fast! 

In the meantime, I washed and scrubbed down the entry and steps on the east and west side of the house. They were both infected with a combination of dirt and mildew and have bothered me most of the summer. My mini-powerwasher is in the motorhome so I made do with bleach, water, and a broom. A more satisfactory solution and a coat of paint will have to wait for another day or perhaps for another year.

I am beginning to think there has been way too much crammed into this one.

Here are some interior photos. You cannot yet picture the concept of it all but it is safely in my vision.

I stood in the middle of the room and rotated. This is the future home of the bathroom and kitchen area.

This is the east-facing (streetside) door and south wall.

This is the east-side window, northeast corner and future resting place for the pool table.

This is the northwest corner, westside windows, and home of the future game table. Currently in the storage shed.

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