Wednesday, June 24


We are staying home mostly yet feeling guilty for not connecting with our friends, yet knowing it is not the best of ideas to connect with our friends at least in person. Got all that?  So we feel somewhat between a rock and a hard spot.
We do not feel bad about being alone with ourselves and our thoughts, in fact, we are quite comfortable with it. Last night we watched "Win the Wilderness" on Netflix. It is about couples competing to win a home in the wilderness from a couple who have lived and built this home in the middle of Alaska and have reached the point where they know they cannot do it anymore. Interesting and thought-provoking on many levels. Our age alone puts us way past going to the wilderness to live and we are more than a little aware of it.

This pandemic and all the tentacles from it have made life far different from what it was a year ago at this time. I do not expect it to go back to what it was for more reasons than we can even list.  I see as much good to come from it as bad. So many people needed to come up short and analyze where they are and where they want to be. It made the whole world slow down and take a closer look. Too fast and too frantic has been one of the biggest stumbling blocks to life for far too long.

So please do not take it personally if you do not see us or hear from us. We are doing our best to stay healthy and we hope you are doing the same. There will be another end to this we just don't know when it will be evident.

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