Wednesday, August 28

Other Minded

Apparently, my mind has been otherwise occupied and sometimes I just do not feel like writing. It doesn't happen often as you can see if you look back over the 17 years I have been at this business of blog writing. Some things have changed drastically and some things haven't changed at all in those 17 years.

One of the biggest changes and most noticeable is the change in our winter destination. After all, that was the main impetus for beginning this blog in the first place. We could see the writing on the wall that things were deteriorating quickly in Magnolia Park, our winter home for 16 years and it saddened us to leave but leave we did. We chose our new park carefully and with only our own needs and desires in mind. I did not have a good season due to health issues but thankfully those are behind me now and I am looking ahead to a more satisfying winters stay coming up soon. It is funny how just a bit of cool weather can turn your mind in that direction.

I have been looking at the overall situation of Magnolia Park, it will always be Magnolia Park to me, and the starkest fact is that regardless of how the citizens of the park feel about the situation, whether you are staying or leaving or have left already it has had a very real disruption of our lives. It will never be the same. We all have to adjust ourselves to a new way of doing Winter. And it is sad. We are used to making adjustments but they are usually small and happen slowly. This is a BIG change and affects all of us. I will miss that chapter of our lives and will look back on those years fondly, except for Charlie, I will never look back at Charlie fondly. 😏 He was a big learning experience for me though. When he left the park for the last time a group of people came out to the gate and cheered. That will be all I will say publically about Charlie. Enough already!

And at last here are some of my latest photos: Leo and Keri had their grandchildren visiting last weekend and they spent time at the park that is near us so I stopped over for a pic or two.
Jorgen and batting practice.
 While Clara enjoyed the swing.

The newest feeder is getting a lot of use these days.

 Gary and Jason visit with Mom before heading to Atlantic for the Golf tournament
Do I like this photo of me? "NO"  I am still working at liking it better in the future. I feel good if that counts!

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